Minumerolocal consistently monitors rates and discounts to ensure affordable prices to our customers.
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Minumerolocal consistently monitors rates and discounts to ensure affordable prices to our customers.
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Form not saved
If you continue, you may lose the unsaved data.
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Couldn't make the payment
Invalid credit card or insufficient funds.
Couldn't make the reservation
Please, contact us for help.
Couldn't make the reservation
The price of the flight has changed while booking.
You will be redirected to the search screen again. Don't worry, your data was saved to help you.
Invalid data
Check the entered card details and try again.
Inactive account
Error adding card
Check the entered card details and try again.
Error editing card
Error deleting card
Error registering
Account pending activation
We have sent an email with the activation link to your email account.
Account doesn't exist!
Please, sign up.
(305) 500-2304
The link to account verification has expired.
Contact us to help you to solve your problem.
The link to retrieve your password has expired
Please re-enter your email to receive the restore link
This account has already been verified previously
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Are you sure that you want to delete this direct dial number?
Couldn't edit profile.
Try again later.
Children under 5 cannot travel alone.
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Problems with passenger data
At least two passengers exist with the same documentation.
Server Token Error
Your password has been successfully changed!
E-mail sent
Please check your mail
Account activated successfully!
The payment has been successfully made.
We have sent an e-mail attaching the receipt of the purchase.
The payment has been successfully made.
An agent will call you shortly to complete the processWe have sent an e-mail attaching the receipt of the purchase.
Card edited successfully
Card deleted successfully
ANI numbers updated successfully.
Direct dial numbers updated successfully.
Profile updated successfully.
Thank you for registering
We will send an email with the link to activate your account.
The session will be closed in 1 minute for lack of activity.
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