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Minumerolocal consistently monitors rates and discounts to ensure affordable prices to our customers.

Where do you want to call?

Call Cost


SMS Cost


Frequently Asked Questions

Read our frequently asked questions for quick answers

After logging in to your account, use the top menu to click on the link titled “My Account”, next click on Dashboard. Under the category “Direct Dial” enter the number you wish to add and press “Save”.
After logging in to your account, use the top menu to click on the link titled “My Account”, next click on Dashboard. Select the amount you wish to add, enter your payment info or verify previously saved information. Then press submit Payment.
You can redirect your calls to any number in the US. For example: your cell phone, your home phone, your office phone, etc.
Click here to see our product catalog, when you have chosen the phone of your choice, call 305-500-2304 to be attended by a representative.
No, there are no hidden charges of any kind..
Payment can be made with a Credit or Debit card. VISA, MASTERCARD or DISCOVER.

Contact Us

Please contact us using the information below.


4471 NW 36th St Suite 254, Miami Springs, Florida 33166


Contact Us

+1 305 500 2304